Regional Innovation Networking Platforms
Regional Innovation Networking Platforms (RINPs) are aimed at strengthening regional innovation systems by establishing Networking and Collaboration Platforms that bring together research, development, innovation communities/civil society, technology SMMEs, industry and government. These platforms take advantage of the spatial closeness of different innovation actors (with complementary knowledge and resources) and create a favourable environment for:
- Harnessing innovation for socio-economic development.
- Promoting, supporting and mentoring technology based SMMEs.
- Initiating and implementing prospective innovation driven projects, programmes and initiatives directed at spurring their regional economies, industrialisation, regional capacity development and creation of job opportunities.
- Promoting inclusive economic growth.
In order to qualify for funding, RINPs must meet the following minimum requirements:
- Include mechanisms for meaningful participation of previously disadvantaged individuals.
- Have a co-funding contribution from regional stakeholders or partners.
- Include structured and relevant STI capacity development programmes to enable improved innovation driven industrial competitiveness.
- Include support mechanisms for improved innovation partnership deals.
Innovation Enabling Mechanisms
The RISP funds feasibility studies and business plans for the establishment of Innovation enabling mechanisms (such as technology incubators, science and technology parks, techno parks, innovation hubs etc.). Innovation enabling mechanisms are aimed at facilitating the flow of knowledge and technology amongst Universities, R&D institutions, companies (including SMMEs), communities and markets. Feasibility studies and business plans should address the following minimum requirements:
- Evidence of firm commitment from key regional institutions or stakeholders (e.g. Provincial/local government and institutions, private business etc.) to implement the plan if shown to be feasible.
- Demonstration of linkages and synergies to relevant development plans such as provincial plans and Municipal IDPs.
- Mechanisms for meaningful participation of black-owned technology SMMEs, including businesses owned by females and people living with disabilities.
- Inclusivity and relevance to South Africa’s (and regions) developmental context.
In addition, the following requirements should also be considered:
- Demonstration of strong linkages with local universities, science councils and/or other STI institutions.
- Promote partnerships and collaborations, including securing co-funding.

Innovation Baseline Studies
The Innovation Baseline studies are aimed at assessing and analysing the status of regional innovation systems to inform innovation enabling support initiatives and strategies within a specific location. In addition to a requirement for co-funding from regional stakeholders or partners, as a minimum, the innovation baseline studies should cover:
- An STI institutional landscape;
- Industrialisation and technology based entrepreneurship;
- Inclusivity and transformation;
- Government (national, provincial and local) support for an innovation enabling environment;