Regional Innovation Support Programme Management Unit
The DSI has established a Programme Management Unit (PMU) within the CSIR to manage and implement the RISP. The RISP PMU plays an oversight and management function of RISP initiatives, and also participates on the respective Steering Committees and other governance structures.
Objectives of the RISP
The RISP is informed by the National White Paper on Science Technology and Innovation (2019), and responds to a number of the policy intents. It is primarily aimed at increasing the spatial footprint of innovation, but also contributes to improving inclusion and building more linkages across the NSI; adopting a broader conceptualisation of innovation beyond research and development; as well as increasing support for and collaboration with business (including SMMEs).
The key objectives of the RISP therefore include:
To increase the spatial footprint of innovation in South Africa
To strengthen provincial and rural innovation and production systems through analytic and catalytic interventions.
To help establish regional innovation support platforms through innovation enabling interventions that foster multi-helix relationships and also respond to regional needs.